sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

Se estrelló un Mi-8 ruso

 Noticias Ejército ruso

El 28 de enero del 2022 un helicóptero Mil Mi-8 del Ejército ruso se estrelló en la zona de Dubki, en la región de Ulyanovsk...


1 de los 3 ocupantes murió.

Погиб один из трех членов экипажа вертолета Ми-8, разбившегося под Ульяновском

4 comentarios:

  1. Y al dia siguiente un Mig-31,las aeronaves rusas siguen cayendo como peras maduras,este verano pasado batieron records.

  2. La estupidià de un vinals:

    15 June 2020
    A USAF F-15C from the 493rd Fighter Squadron, part of the 48th Fighter Wing crashes into the North Sea and the pilot was killed.

    19 September 2020
    A USMC F-35B fighter jet crashes in Imperial County, California, after it collides with a Marine Corps KC-130 during air-to-air refuelling. The F-35B pilot was injured in the ejection, but the KC-130 crash-landed gear up in a field.

    20 October 2020
    A United States Navy Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet crashes near Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in California. The aircraft flew its mission from Naval Air Station Lemoore and its sole pilot could eject without sustaining injuries.

    23 October 2020
    A United States Navy T-6B Texan II crashes near Magnolia Springs, AL killing the aircrew. No civilian injuries were reported, although the crash destroyed several cars and part of a residence. The plane flew from Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Milton, Florida, about 50 miles to the northeast.

    12 November 2020
    Eight Multinational Force and Observers (peacekeeping guarding Egypt-Israel border) members (six U.S., one Czech, and one French) die in a helicopter crash near Sharm El Sheikh.

    9 December
    A Wisconsin Air National Guard F-16 Fighting Falcon crashes in Michigan's Upper Peninsula during night training. The plane went down in the Hiawatha National Forest and the pilot was killed. The cause of the crash is still unknown.[57]

    20 January 2021
    A New York Army National Guard UH-60 crashes in a farmer's field south of Rochester, New York during a routine training exercise. All three crewmembers aboard the aircraft were killed.

    31 August
    US Navy(USN) MH-60S assigned to HSC-8 crashed off the coast of San Diego while conducting operations aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). 1 crew member survived, 5 were killed.

    1. Es normal que hayan más perdidas de aparatos norteamericanos. Numéricamente son muchos cientos más y vuelan muchas más horas, no puedes hacer una comparativa de 1 contra 1 sin tener en cuenta ambas cosas.

    2. Jajaja las excusas y tú ignorancia es grave, l
      El mi8 fue aterrizaje forzoso por mal clima, el mig31 no cayó, fue durante el aterrizaje


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