martes, 26 de julio de 2016

Se inicia la construcción del 2º buque proyecto 22160 (actualizado)

Noticias Armada Rusa

En el astillero Zelenodolsk se llevó a cabo la ceremonia de puesta en grada del 2 º buque proyecto 22160 para la Armada Rusa ...

Unos meses atrás se llevó a cabo la ceremonia de la primera unidad, la Vasiliy Bykov ...

La segunda unidad ha sido bautizada como 'Dmitriy Rogachev' en honor al contra-almirante Dmitriy Rogachev.

Proyecto 22160

In honor of Navy Day at the factory solemnly laid patrol ship
July 25, 2014, on the eve of the Day of Navy of Russia, JSC" After Zelenodolsky Plant named AM Gorky " ( the Enterprise is A Group of companies JSC "Holding Company" Ak Bars ") ceremony of laying of the Second A series of patrol boat project 22160, designed by JSC " Northern Design Bureau " ( St. Petersburg). The ceremony WAS Attended by Representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, Owner Zelenodol Municipal District of " Holding Company "Ak Bars", as well as Representatives of the designer and counterparty organizations. laying ceremony of the ship opened CEO Renat Mistahov plant. He congratulated all those present on the upcoming holiday, and also thanked the leadership of the Defence Ministry and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the plant exerted high trust, and staff of the factory - for hard work and contribution to the construction and commissioning of ships for the Russian Navy. First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade RT Ruslan Kabiri in his speech stressed the fact that the plant is named after AM Bitter makes a significant contribution to the development of industry of the Republic of Tatarstan and Russia as a whole:   

' Broad expertise, High Professionalism of Workers, engineers and technicians helps the plant to Maintain ITS leading Position in the Industry, to Ensure the welfare of Citizens of the Republic, the city Zelenodol'sk. "
Thanks plant workers for their contribution to our country's defense and Head of Technical Department of the Navy, Rear Admiral Igor Zvarych. He Read the order of the Commander of the Russian Navy ship lays on Assignment Valid name " Rogachev "in Honor of Rear Admiral Rogachev Shostakovich, WHO lived in Zelenodolsk and Actively Participated in the Life of the city. Currently, the name of the famous warlord named a street in the city and school number 4. Chapter Zelenodol municipal district Tygin Alexander, speaking at the ceremony, said that the celebration of the new ship tab at the enterprise has already become a traditional event enjoyable , but mortgaged ship today for all zelenodoltsev special - his name carries a part of the history of the city. Chapter MCH Gorky wished to ships constructed on factory stocks, went over all the seas and their crews were proud ZELENODOL'SKAJa service on ships. With significant Event factory Workers Also congratulated Chief Engineer of the Navy shipbuilding Maxim Garanin, Representative of the Department of the Defence Ministry to Ensure That the State defense order Galygin Donat, First Deputy General Director of JSC " Holding Company "Ak Bars" Sergey Mukhin, deputy chief designer of the project 22160 JSC "Northern Design Bureau" Yuri Chevyrenkov. The event ended with an awards ceremony plant specialists. 

El artículo al completo en

Imágenes del estado de la construcción del buque Dmitriy Rogachev en las instalaciones del astillero Zelenodolsk de Tatarstán (18 de febrero del 2016)... 

Nueva imagen donde se ve el estado de la construcción del Dmitriy Rogachev ... nuevo

Listado de los buques del proyecto 22160:

1º Vasiliy Bykov (en construcción)

2º Dmitriy Rogachev (en construcción)

3º Pavel Derzhavin (en construcción)

4º Sergey Kotov (en construcción)

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