lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Bautizo de un MiG-31

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

Hoy en la base aérea de SOKOL en la región de Perm la VVS Rusa ha bautizado a uno de sus aviones MiG-31 con el nombre de 'Velikaya Perm' o algo así como "Gran Perm" ...

Aprovechando que el Pisuerga pasa por Valladolid, se llevará a cabo un festival aéreo y una exhibición aérea. Además de un exposición estática de aviones MiG-31, Tu-134, Yak-40, MiG-29 y helicópteros.

Fighter-interceptor MiG-31, which will be named "The Great Perm" intercede on combat duty in the Perm region Tomorrow will be a ceremony naming the "Great Perm" fighter-interceptor MiG-31 from the airbase "Falcon". After that, the plane will intercede on alert air defense of administrative, industrial and military installations of the Perm region.



MiG-31 will be awarded the honorary title of "Great Perm" Two days ago, 17:13, views: 452 In aviation festival "Wings of Parma" MiG-31 will be awarded the honorary title of "Great Perm." In the coming weekend, 28 - June 29, will be held in the Perm region sixth aviation festival "Wings of Parma." First at the festival will perform aviation aerobatic team "Swifts". recall the region's largest aviation festival is supported by the administration of the governor of the Perm region in the framework of the regional program of patriotic education. "Wings of Parma" was included in the document at the initiative of Governor Victor Basargina as one of the most striking, the key activities of the program. Program aviation festival - the first film screening of the film Arthur Sargsyan "Turbulent sky Meiringen" and meeting with the author of the film. The event will take place on June 27 at the cinema center "Premier", the beginning - at 19.00. And on June 28 at 19.00 in the concert hall of the "Ural" concert begins Nikolai Anisimov and Vadim Zakharov. On the same day, June 28, at a military airfield "Falcon" from 12.00 to 18.00 will be named the honorary title "Great Perm" MiG- 31, will be represented by a static exhibition aircraft (MiG-31, Tu-134, Yak-40, MiG-29 helicopters). Aviation will be a concert of art song and dance performance. Also held a festival for children "Wings of Parma," meeting with cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov and performance aerobatic team "Swifts".

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