viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Lanzamiento de un ICBM Topol

Noticias Fuerzas Estratégicas

Ayer se llevó a cabo un nuevo lanzamiento exitoso de otro ICBM Topol (RS-12M) desde Plesetsk contra el polígono de Kura en la península de Kamchatka, unos de trayectoria 5900 kms  ...

Strategic Missile fired ICBM "Topol" Martial calculations Strategic Missile Forces have carried out launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile "Topol" during a routine training management of the Armed Forces, which took place on Thursday under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, according to Interfax-AVN
Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) RS-12M "Topol" made RVSN crews from Plesetsk.
Prelaunch operations, launch and flight of the missile carried out strictly according to the planned program. Rocket with given accuracy struck conditional goal at the site "Kura" (Kamchatka Peninsula), confirmed in the Defense Ministry.


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