miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

El radar Don-2N de Moscú será modernizado

Noticias Defensa Aérea

El radar de conducción de batalla DON-2N de Moscú (5N20) será modernizado con lo que, entre otras cosas, se aumentará el alcance de detección de blancos un ... 10%

... Esta instalación es cláve en la defensa ABM de Moscú y se ha anunciado su modernización en varias ocasiones lo que probablemente signifique que cada dos por tres se retoca el sistema para estar al día ...

Vistos desde satélite y en proporción (izquierda el radar estadounidense y derecha el ruso):

Radar "Don-2N" Moscow ABM system will be improved - "Izvestia" TSAMTO, May 7. Existing and emerging in the Russian system of missile warning (EWS) and missile defense (NMD) will be upgraded. Among the first will improve the radar "Don-2N" Moscow ABM system, write "Izvestia". Relevant work commissioned by the Ministry of Industry started in the Radio Engineering Institute (RTI) Academician Mints (developer of "Don-2N"), told "Izvestia" deputy chief designer RTI Valentin Losev. Increasing the efficiency of stations will be achieved through the use of new materials based on polymers. According V.Loseva, "radio-shelter - only a passive element, it does not amplify the signal. But if you can master the production of new materials for these designs, the reduced loss and thereby increase the radiation power "- write" Izvestia ". "New materials can be made ​​of fiberglass and PTFE films based on quartz fabrics. They can hide any existing or prospective radar "- the newspaper said. According to technical specification (document is in "Izvestia"), the design must also be resistant to "special factors (shock wave, a pulse of light)." Finished products will be a panel of "flat or semi-cylindrical shape," joined in the. expected that the development will increase the effectiveness of radar MFR 5H20 ("Don-2N") and 77YA6 CM (prospective modification radar "Voronezh", is still in development). In one and a half times increase working frequency band, the maximum flux density, so as increase the accuracy of identifying and selecting goals, write "Izvestia".

... La información al completo en www.armstrade.org

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