martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

El Smolny llegó a Argelia

Noticias Armada Rusa

El buque escuela Smolny llegó al puerto de Argel en Argelia en la visita protocolaria, allí permanecerá hasta mañana, día 7 de mayo del 2014 ...

05/05/2014 (17:04) Training ship "Smolny" came into port Algeria Today training ship of the Baltic Fleet (BF) "Smolny" made ​​a routine visit to one of the largest ports in North Africa - Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of Algeria). During parking in a foreign port, which runs until May 7, the ship will replenish food and water, cadets and crew will be able to relax on the beach. Far marine expedition training ship passes under seamanship 5 students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Baltic Naval Institute im. Ushakov, the Pacific Naval Institute. Admiral Makarov, the Far Eastern Military Institute. Marshal Rokossovsky, Military Medical Academy. Kirov and the Naval Institute. Peter the Great. In total, the marine campaign was attended by over 300 students.

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