martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Regreso del destacamento del Vinogradov a Vladivostok

Noticias Armada Rusa

5 Tras unos meses de travesía, el destructor Almirante Vinogradov y los buques que componen su destacamento han regresado a la base naval de Vladivostok en el extremo oriental de la Federación Rusa.

Travesía aproximada del destacamento encabezado por el destructor Vinogradov:

... Salió de Vladivostok. Recaló en Busan (Corea del Sur), Yangon (Rangún) en Myanmar y en Maizuru en Japón para finalmente regresar a Vladivostok ...

El destacamento lo componen los siguientes buques:

Destructor Almirante Vinogradov

Cisterna Irkut

Remolcador Kalar

"Admiral Vinogradov" lead a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok Vladivostok, February 25 - RIA Novosti. Ceremony meeting Detachment Pacific Fleet (PF) led by large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Vinogradov", returning after performing the tasks of combat service will be held on Tuesday Vladivostok, told RIA Novosti the Pacific Fleet Captain First Rank Roman Martov. Region All news read on >> RIA Novosti Vladivostok Vladivostok Tuesday after performing the tasks of combat service comes Detachment Pacific Fleet led by the large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Vinogradov". Solemn ceremony of the meeting held on 33 Ship berth quay at 12.30 local time, "- said the agency interlocutor. According to him, 19 October 2013 a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet, commanded by Captain 1st Rank Andrey Kuznetsov comprising BOD "Admiral Vinogradov" average sea tanker " Irkut "and tug" Kalar "came out of the main base of the FAT Vladivostok to perform the tasks of combat service in the Asia-Pacific region.

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