miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

9 corbetas proyecto 21631 para 2019

Noticias Armada Rusa

Casualmente alguien preguntaba ayer sobre este tema, hasta el 2019 se entregarán 9 corbetas proyecto 21631 clase Buyan M. ..

Imagen Propiedad de Dmirg78 y se subió en  forums.airbase.ru

... y el dato que alguien preguntaba ayer era que cuántas se entregarán este años y la respuesta es 1, la Velikiy Ustyug...

... El año que viene -2015 - se entregarán 2.

Russian Navy arm with nine ships of the "Buyan-M" Russian Navy under the state armaments program to 2019 will receive nine small missile ships of project 21631 "Buyan-M." On this, as reported by RIA Novosti , said Russian Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov. According to him, one ship of this type ─ «Great Ustyug» ─ will join the fleet in 2014, and in 2015 the military will receive two "Hellraiser» ─ «Green dale" and "Serpukhov."
In 2013, the Russian Navy were transferred two small missile ship project 21631 ─ «Svijazhsk Grad" and "Uglich." Both ships entered in the Caspian Flotilla. It is expected that it will be composed of the same, and three new "Hellraiser", which is being built at a shipyard in Zelenodol'sk Tatarstan.  
... La noticia al completo en lenta.ru

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