miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

El astillero Zelenodolsk comienza la construcción del primer proyecto 22160

Noticias Armada Rusa

EL Astillero Zelenodolsk ha iniciado la construcción del primer buque del Proyecto 22160, el 'Vasiliy Bykov' ...

Press release on the occasion of bookmarks brain patrol boat project 22160
News date: 24.02.2014
February 26, 2014 JSC " Plant named after AM Zelenodolsky Gorky " ( the enterprise is a group of companies JSC "Holding company" Ak Bars "), the ceremony of laying the head patrol boat project 22160, designed by JSC " Northern Design Bureau ".   
This modern ship is intended to protect the territorial waters, economic zone patrol in open and enclosed seas, combat smuggling and piracy, search and assistance for victims of maritime disasters, environmental monitoring, in addition, for the protection of ships crossing the sea, and naval bases and water areas to prevent the attack of various powers and weapons of the enemy in wartime.
According to information of " Northern Design Bureau "  , Project 22160 ship with a displacement of about 1,300 tons, provides long-term presence in the far sea zone ( endurance - 60 days). The ship high speed performance ( maximum speed - up to 30 knots), it is designed with a view to ensuring a comfortable environment for the crew ( 80 people). To increase capacity and exploratory search and rescue operations on the ship provided basing 12-ton helicopter. ORDNANCE ship include artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons. In addition the ship is equipped with a radio and sonar weaponry, as well as means of electronic countermeasures. Main dimensions - 94,0 x14, 0x3, 4 m Main propulsion of the ship is a type setting CODAG full power up to 25 000 kW.   
On the same day in the foundry plant will be a ceremony of commissioning the line cold-hardening mixtures ( XTC). Forming method XTC intended for the manufacture of steel, cast iron and other alloys. Molding line of FAT ( Germany) are individually designed to the requirements of factory production. Running lines XTC is another step in a program of modernization of production capacity of the plant. Currently already received experienced casting gear, hydraulic valves and boxes made ​​with the new equipment. They are characterized by high surface quality and dimensional accuracy.  
In the celebrations will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the ministries and departments of the Republic of Tatarstan, owner Zelenodol municipal district of " Holding Company "Ak Bars", as well as representatives of the designer and counterparty organizations. 

Media representatives are invited to take part in the celebrations. For accreditation, contact the Department of organizational work of " Zelenodolsky Plant named after AM Gorky "by phone:   +7 (84371 ) 5-46-95, 2-11-22  or send applications for e-mail: info@zdship.ru  

2 comentarios:

  1. mi duda es porque tantos modelos diferentes de corvetas

  2. Hola

    Tampoco son tantos. La Armada Rusa construye actualmente los proyecto 20380 y mejoras y las 21630 y versiones.

    Hay que entender que Rusia no es un país más con un teatro de operaciones único. Para bien o para mal, la Federación Rusa opera en aguas oceánicas pero también en escenarios litorales y algunos de ellos pasan por ser zonas pantanosas. Esa es la razón por la que la Armada Rusa despliega corbetas de gran porte -como las proyecto 20380- y de menor porte pero capaces de operar en aguas poco profundas propias de zonas pantanosas o litorales rivereños, como las 21630 y 21631.


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