jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

La Armada Rusa recibirá 80 nuevos buques auxiliares de aquí al 2021

Noticias Armada Rusa

De aquí al 2021 la Armada Rusa recibirá 80 nuevos buques auxiliares de los que 16 serán entregados este año 2014. Por ejemplo, los barcos del proyecto 23120 ...

Proyecto 23120

Actualmente la flota de buques auxiliares de la Armada Rusa está compuesta por más de 450 barcos.

Russian Navy will receive by 2021, 80 support vessels

PETERSBURG, November 28 - RIA Novosti.  The industry this year gave the Russian Navy, 16 auxiliary vessels, and by the end of the fleet should be replenished with another 80 new ships provide.
"In the Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea Fleet received new offshore tugs, towboats raid, court comprehensive port services, communications and boat vessels target" - listed the news Deputy military department, "- listed the news Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov.

Currently, as part of Navy's auxiliary fleet of over 450 vessels, he said, speaking at the ceremony of transfer of marine fleet of two self-propelled floating cranes. In parallel, was laid last in a series of nine such vessels of up to 150 tonnes of project 02690.

El artículo al completo en:

El primer buque del proyecto 23120 será entregado en la primera mitad del 2015 ...

Russian Navy will receive logistic support ship ice class in 2015

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