martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

Se estrelló un avión Jaguar Indio


El pasado 1 de agosto en la zona de Buhj en Gujarat se estrelló un caza-bombardero Jaguar de la Fuerza Aérea India (IAF), el 2º de ese modelo y en esa fuerza aérea en lo que va de año...

... el piloto sobrevivió al accidente.

Fighter Jet Crashes in Bhuj, Pilot Escapes Unscathed
NEW DELHI: A Jaguar fighter plane belonging to the IAF crashed on Friday near Bhuj in Gujarat, but the pilot managed to bale out safely.
A technical snag in the aircraft is said to have caused the crash, according to initial information reaching here from Bhuj. The crash occurred around 30 km from the Bhuj Airbase at 12.06 pm, 26 minutes after it took off on a flying sortie, IAF spokesperson Group Capitain Gerard Galway said here. “There is no reported damage on the ground. A Court of Inquiry has been ordered into the cause of the accident,” he said.

... el artículo al completo en 

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