viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Comenzó la modernización del submarino Kapr

Noticias Armada Rusa

En las del INSTALACIONES astillero Zvezdochka de la Severdovinsk comenzó modernización profundidad en del submarino Nuclear Proyecto 945 clase Barrakuda (Sierra en código occidental) K-239 'Kapr' que finalizará en 2017, probable año de entrada en servicio con la Armada Rusa ...

K-239 Karp

Proyecto 945 

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In Severodvinsk submarine upgrade project "Barracuda" military shipyard "Ship Repair Center" asterisk "(Severodvinsk) starts deep modernization of the first of two titanium submarines (NPS) project" Barracuda ". Itar-Tass said spokesman Yevgeny Gladyshev plant
According to him, the K-239 "Carp"  is preparing for the "operation room 1" - unloading of spent nuclear fuel. This year, the icebreaker should be put in the shop for major works. "Completion Navy ship - 2017", - he said. "Preparing to conduct" Operation Number 1 "- unloading of spent nuclear fuel. This year, the icebreaker should be put in the shop for major works. "Completion Navy ship - 2017", - he said.
State contract with the Defense Ministry to renovate two titanium submarines of the third generation of the "Barracuda" was concluded in December 2012 based on the results of the competition. "Carp" is laid up in the waters of "Sprockets" for two decades. More:
... La noticia al completo en

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