miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2013

Bangladesh adquiere submarinos chinos


Después de algunos rumores que ya venían apuntado a la posibilidad de que Bangladesh estuviese negociando con China incluso la adquisición de submarinos clase Kilo de la Armada de este país ahora se anuncia que ya llegó a un acuerdo para la adquisición de 2 submarinos tipo 035G clase 'Ming' (versión china del clase Romeo Soviético) de segunda mano por 206 millones de $...

Submarino Tipo 035

Bangladesh reported to have signed submarine deal with China
Jon Grevatt, Jane's Asia-Pacific Industry Reporter, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
22 December 2013
Bangladesh has concluded an agreement with China to purchase two Type 035G Ming-class diesel-electric submarines, a Dhaka-based news agency reported on 21 December.
The deal, said the New Age newspaper, is valued at BTD16 billion (USD206 million) and will call for the submarines to be delivered to the Bangladesh Navy by 2019.
Citing unidentified government officials, the newspaper said the procurement project is awaiting approval from the Ministry of Finance and that funds for the purchase will be sourced from state budgets in fiscal years 2013-14 until 2017-18.
IHS Jane's was unable to contact a spokesman at the Bangladesh Ministry of Defence to confirm the report.

... la noticia desde www.janes.com 

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