martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Comienzan las pruebas hidráulicas en el submarino Príncipe Vladimir

Noticias Armada Rusa

Según comunidado de SEVMASH, el nuevo submarino estratégico SSBN 'Príncipe Vladimir' inició las pruebas de los sistemas hidráulicos...

... el 'Príncipe Vladimir' es el primer submarino proyecto 955A, versión mejorada del 955.

Гидравлические испытания начались на АПЛ "Князь Владимир"
MOSCOW, Oct. 22 - RIA Novosti. Hydraulic testing began at the strategic missile submarine of the new generation of "Prince Vladimir" (project "Borey"), said on Tuesday, "Sevmash".
"Currently, the ship is the formation of the pressure hull. Bulk of the assembly and welding work is nearing completion. Goes important stage of construction - hydraulic testing," - said in a statement.
Next year will be for one of the key submarine - will begin installation of equipment and systems. Now prepare the schedule of works, gradually increase the number of people involved in the construction of a missile.
The plant "Sevmash" conveyed the head of the Russian Navy strategic missile submarine "Yury Dolgoruky" project 955 "Borey", which was adopted by the fleet of 10 January 2013.
The second cruiser of "Alexander Nevsky" pass state tests. "Vladimir Monomakh", was launched on December 30, 2012, and in January 2013th began its mooring trials.

... la noticia al completo en 

1 comentario:

  1. Y además es un submarino inútil ya que el sistema Bulava no funciona...


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