martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

En Octubre comenzará a recibir aviones la nueva base Rusa en el ártico

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

En Octubre comenzará a recibir aviones la nueva base Rusa en el ártico que estará localizada en el Archipiélago de Las Islas de Nueva Siberia...

... actualemente la Flotilla de la Armada Rusa está preparando el terreno y dejará la dotación de la base para que en Octubre quede en operación el aeródromo capáz de operar Antonov An-72, An-74 e Ilyushin Il-76...

In remotest Russian Arctic, a new Navy base
A heavily equipped Northern Fleet mission is this month setting up a base at the New Siberian Islands, a key site along the Northern Sea Route.According to military sources, the new base will protect offshore oil and gas resources in the area and keep an eye on the growing number of ships sailing along the Northern Sea Route.In a video conference with President Vladimir Putin this week, Northern Fleet Head Commander Vladimir Korolev confirmed that three Navy vessels, including the “Petr Veliky” missile cruiser, as well as seven support vessels and four nuclear-powered icebreakers are involved in the operations, a transcript from the meeting reads.The vessels arrived on site on September 12 and by September 29 all equipment, including Navy base personnel, will be brought on land by helicopters and support vessels. According to the Northern Fleet, the local airfield Temp will be reconstructed and made operational already in the course of October, adjusted to aircrafts models An-72, An-74, and later on also Il-76. The base will include also representatives of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, meteorologists and climate researchers.The most complicated part of the operation is the moving of more than ten housing modules on shore, the Russian Armed Forces informs in a news report.

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