lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Ejecutados dos Iraníes que trabajaban para EEUU e Israel


Según el Servicio de Inteligencia Iraní, este Domingo dos condenados por espionaje a favor de la CIA Estadounidense y del MOSSAD Israelí han sido ejecutados mediante ahorcamiento...

Intelligence Ministry: Two spies were hanged
Tehran, May 19, IRNA – Intelligence Ministry announced on Sunday that two spies working for US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Israeli Mossad were hanged on Sunday.
The Intelligence Ministry said in a statement that security forces arrested the spies several months ago. 
Their files were examined by Iranian judiciary to determine their treason by the court of justice, it said. 
The statement said that details of their crimes will be revealed to the public soon.

... la noticia desde Agencia IRNA 

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