viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

Los aviones rusos no han violado el espacio aéreo Japonés

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

Los aviones rusos no han violado el espacio aéreo Japonés ya que sus vuelos se han desarrollado con estricto respeto a las leyes internacionales sin entrar en espacio aéreo de otros países...

Defense Ministry: Russian jets did not violate Japanese airspace
MOSCOW, February 7. / ITAR-TASS /. Aviation Eastern Military District / TSB / conducts routine flights over the Sea of ​​Japan as part of combat training, told Itar-Tass press service chief Colonel Alexander Gordeev TSB."All flights by aircraft TSB is strictly regulated by the command of the Air Force and Air Defense Association and conducted under the supervision of air traffic control," - he said."Military flights Fixing objective control and carried out in strict accordance with international regulations on the use of air space without violating the borders of other countries," - said Gordeev.

... la información al completo en itar-tass 

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