sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

La fragata rusa Yaroslav Mudry en Malta

Noticias Armada Rusa

Tras recalar en Ceuta en España la fragata de la Armada Rusa Yaroslav Mudry estuvo en el puerto de La Valletta en Malta ...

Baltic Fleet patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise" restocked Malta frigate (TFR) of the Baltic Fleet (BF) "Yaroslav the Wise" concluded the business at the port of Valletta (Malta).
During the two-day stop in a foreign port the ship refuel, water and food, and his crew had the opportunity to relax on the beach.
At the port of Valletta took command of the ship protocol visit the city and military authorities. A crew visited with guided tours museums and visited city attractions.
Upon exiting the Maltese port of the Russian warship headed for the Gulf of Aden, where it will perform the task of ensuring the safety of civil navigation.
Prior to entering Malta crew, performing the task of a long voyage, came with visit to the Spanish enclave of Ceuta port on the Mediterranean coast of Africa.
TFR "Yaroslav the Wise" left the main naval base of the Baltic Fleet Baltiysk August 9, 2014 Press Service of the Western Military District

El artículo desde mil.ru

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