sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Rusia no permitirá las inspecciones bajo el tratado START si EEUU sanciona por la crísis ucraniana

Noticias Fuerzas Estratégicas

El Ministerio de defensa ruso no permitirá las inspecciones que llevan a cabo EEUU dentro del tratado START si éste país lleva a cabo sus amenazas de sanciones por la crisis en Ucrania ...

Russia may stop taking inspectors under the START Treaty MOSCOW, March 8 - RIA Novosti. question of suspension receiving inspection teams within obligations under the START Treaty and the Vienna Document 2011 worked in the Defense Ministry because of threats to Russia from the United States and NATO because of Russian policy toward Ukraine, told RIA Novosti military-diplomatic source in the Russian Defense Ministry. According to the source, "this step we are ready to go in response to statements by the Pentagon to suspend the cooperation between the defense ministries of Russia and the United States." "Because such inspections are a measure of confidence, the conditions actually declared" sanctions "from the U.S., normal regular bilateral contacts compliance agreements can not be", - said the agency interlocutor.
... La noticia al completo en ria.ru 

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