domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Las pruebas de vuelo del PAK DA comenzarán en 2019

Noticias Fuerza Aérea Rusa

Las pruebas de vuelo del bombardero de nueva generación para la VVS Rusa comenzarán en 2019 con entrada en servicio en 2025, según anunció Anatoly Zhijarev en Rossiya 24...

(imagen correspondiente a un diseño en ala volante de prueba)

Russia to Test-Fly New Bomber in 2019MOSCOW, December 23 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Air Force plans to begin test flights of a new strategic bomber in 2019, the commander of the long-range fleet said Monday.
“Work on the bomber has been ongoing for less than a year, but the planning stage is now complete. Development work will begin in 2014, and the first test flights are scheduled for 2019. I think the aircraft should enter service in 2025,” Anatoly Zhikharev said in comments aired by television news network Rossiya-24.
The new bomber, known as PAK-DA (an acronym meaning “future long-range aircraft”), is planned to carry hypersonic missiles, a source told RIA Novosti in August. The bomber is also to feature modern stealth technology and be built by the Tupolev company in the Russian city of Kazan.
Zhikharev added that the air force’s existing long-range bombers would be overhauled with advanced avionics and electronic warfare systems in a two-stage process. Two Tu-160s have already been upgraded and are now entering service.

... la noticia al completo en 

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