Esto es bastante interesante:
Y qué tiene de interesante esta investigación de 3 años sobre el terreno ¿?
Pues la principal es que EEUU y Arabia Saudí son protagonistas del suministro de armamentos al Estado islámico.
Evidence presented in this report, however, confirms that many of the group’s weapons—and notably its ammunition—are newly manufactured, having been delivered to the region since the start of the Syrian conflict in 2011. These weapons originate in transfers made by external parties, including Saudi Arabia and the United States, to disparate Syrian opposition forces arrayed against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Supplied into Syria through the territories of regional proxies—notably Jordan and Turkey—this materiel was rapidly captured by IS forces, only to be deployed by the group against international coalition forces.
Where do weapons from IG fighters come from?
A veces uno se encuentra con personas qué preguntan sobre las pruebas relacionadas con el suministro de armamento a los terroristas... pues ahí las tiene y, repito, no lo digo yo, ni lo dicen los rusos, ni lo dicen los sirios, una organización británica pone los puntos sobre las iés en ese aspecto.
Otra entrada relacionada:
EEUU intenta comprar armamento en Georgia para los rebeldes sirios
Las entregas de armamento desde EEUU a los rebeldes sirios
Cohetes búlgaros para los rebeldes sirios
La conexión búlgara... hacia Siria
Algo tendrá el agua cuando la bendicen
0 atención mediática va a recibir esto en los medios, apostamos?
ResponderEliminarInteresantísmo documento que creo que requiere un estudio pormenorizado antes de precipitarse a hacer afirmaciones porque son bastantes páginas, lo digo porque en cuanto a sus conclusiones finales también dice esto:
ResponderEliminar"IS forces, like most non-state armed groups,
acquire significant quantities of weapons and
ammunition on the battlefield. This materiel
has numerous sources—ranging from weapons
captured in bulk from Iraqi defence and security
forces during initial advances by IS forces in 2014,
to military materiel seized during offensives
against Syrian government forces.
If these acquisitions were restricted to old, ‘legacy’
weapons, which happened to be present in the
arsenals of the two governments, there would
arguably be few viable avenues available to
restrict weapon acquisition by IS forces. Evidence
presented in this report, however, confirms that
many of the group’s weapons—and notably its
ammunition—are newly manufactured, having
been delivered to the region since the start of the
Syrian conflict in 2011. These weapons originate in
transfers made by external parties, including Saudi
Arabia and the United States, to disparate Syrian
opposition forces arrayed against the regime of
President Bashar al-Assad. Supplied into Syria
through the territories of regional proxies—notably
Jordan and Turkey—this materiel was rapidly
captured by IS forces, only to be deployed by the
group against international coalition forces."
Dicho de otra manera, muchas de las armas del IS provienen de los arsenales iraquíes y sirios: "This materiel
has numerous sources—ranging from weapons
captured in bulk from Iraqi defence and security
forces during initial advances by IS forces in 2014,
to military materiel seized during offensives
against Syrian government forces." página 146, conclusiones.
En página 31: "Open-source reports and video footage issued
by IS forces claim that the group captured a large
proportion of its weapons and ammunition from
Iraqi and Syrian security forces.15 While CAR does
not dispute these assertions, it is difficult to
substantiate the claims empirically (see ‘Weapon
baseline data’ and ‘Ammunition baseline data’,
above), for two main reasons. First, Iraqi and
Syrian forces employ a wide variety of weaponry,
which the two states acquired over many decades
and from numerous producing and exporting
countries. This makes it difficult to determine, with
any accuracy, whether specific items recovered
from IS forces either originated in Iraqi or Syrian
national stockpiles, or whether they derive
from national armed forces or non-state groups
elsewhere in the region. Second, national records
are incomplete in Iraq and inaccessible in Syria,
precluding verification of national holdings."
¿Quiere esto decir que el Régimen sirio o el gobierno iraquí suministró conscientemente armas al Estado Islámico? Por supuesto hay una responsabilidad indiscutible por parte de EE.UU. en transferir armas a grupos anti-Asad que luego acabaron en manos del IS pero ojo, hay que leer también el resto del informe que no tiene desperdicio.
Acaso USA arma al ejercicto sirio?Por que estoy harto de ver a soldados sirios con fusiles M16/M4...
ResponderEliminarEn realidad eso no es así. El ejercito sirio usa como estandar el AK-47 y AK-74, también hay uso de AK-74M/AKS-74U pero en menores cantidades.
EliminarAhora bien, distinto es el caso de Hezbollah y otras milicias shiítas las cuales operan con armamento proveniente de los arsenales en Libano y y partidas de armamento provenientes de Irán, que pueden contener entre otras, armas de origen estado unidense, tal como el M16. Lo mismo sucede con algunos grupos de la PMU iraquí que a veces van a combatir a suelo sirio portando algunas armas norteamericanas.