jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Se estrelló un F-15 estadounidense


Un caza F-15C de la 104ª Ala de caza de la Guardia Nacional de EEUU con base en Massachusetts se estrelló en Deerfield ...

La suerte del piloto es desconocida aunque hay pruebas de que se eyectó antes del choque...

Air Force F-15C jet crashes in western VirginiaThe pilot was the only person aboard the F-15C when it crashed into the side of a mountain in Deerfield, Va., Wednesday morning. An alert through the pilot’s equipment suggests that he ejected himself from the plane before it hit the ground. Massachusetts-based Air Force jet crashed in a forest in Virginia Wednesday morning during a standard training exercise, authorities said.Augusta County Sheriff's Office dispatcher Becky Coyner said the pilot was the only person aboard the F-15C when it went down in Deerfield, a town roughly 135 miles northwest of Richmond.Jean Sepulveda, spokesperson for the sheriff’s office, told the Daily News that an alert through the pilot’s equipment shows that he ejected himself from the aircraft before it crashed.His condition is not known.
El artículo al completo en www.nydailynews.com

Comunicado de prensa de la Air National Guard:

Press Release: 104th Fighter Wing Aircraft Crash Over Shenandoah Valley Virginia104TH FIGHTER WING
8/27/2014 - BARNES AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE , Westfield, Mass -- At approximately 9:05 a.m. today the 104th Fighter Wing lost radio contact with an F-15C aircraft during a cross country mission over the Shenandoah Valley Virginia. 
The pilot flying the F-15C made a report of an inflight emergency prior to radio contact being lost. Subsequently there were reports of dark smoke being seen around the aircrafts last known whereabouts. Local law enforcement arrived on scene and confirmed the aircraft crashed. 
"Information on this incident is developing rapidly and we are not going to speculate on what occurred or the status of the pilot", said Col James Keefe, 104th Fighter Wing Commander. "We are hopeful that the pilot is ok, and the pilot will be in our thoughts and prayers as the events of this incident unfold."
The F-15C aircraft was in route to receive a system upgrade, and there were no munitions on the aircraft during this cross-country trip. 
At this point the status of the pilot is not confirmed.
Contacts: Lt Anthony Mutti, 104fw.pa@ang.af.milOffice: 413-568-9151 x698-1263

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola,

    Puede que el accidente no tenga relación pero me ha hecho pensar en la entrada de Alejandro_ de hace unos días:


    La flota de cazas de EEUU parece que necesita una renovación urgente y amplia.


  2. Hola

    El F-16 siempre ha tenido un rumor entorno a él a cuenta de la fatiga estructural.

    No tiene nada que ver con el accidente de esta entrada que está relacionado con la operación de aeronaves en una de las Fuerzas Aéreas más importantes y que cada dos por tres tiene pérdidas, como le ocurre a todo el mundo.
