A raíz de la negativa de EEUU de permitir la reciprocidad en el establecimiento de estaciones de calibración y monitorización del sistema GPS ruso en territorio estadounidense la parte rusa anunció días atrás que podría suspender el funcionamiento de las estaciones estadounidenses en su territorio y la fecha planteada es el dia 31 de mayo del 2014.
Si EEUU no permite la instalación de estaciones GLONASS en su territorio-como Rusia sí permite las estadounidenses en el suyo-la Federación Rusa anulará el funcionamiento de estas durante 3 meses, hasta el 31 de agosto del 2014. Si la negativa se mantuviese Rusia podría desmantelar las estaciones GPS estadounidenses en su territorio de manera definitiva ...
Rogozin confirmed the possibility of the suspension of the GPS stations in Russia,
Moscow. May 26. INTERFAX.RU - Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, has confirmed the possibility of suspending operation and dismantling of the American GPS stations in Russia.
"Obsolete government order to create an interagency delegation, a group of the Academy of Sciences and the Russian Space Agency. U.S. They offered to hold negotiations to resolve the issue of placing similar GLONASS stations in the United States, "- he told reporters on Monday.
According to Rogozin, until May 31, if no reaction American partners, the GPS station to suspend its work for three months. If during this period fails again to reach a compromise in the negotiations, it will be August 31 decided to dismantle the American stations.
Here Rogozin stressed that the work of these devices is not related to household signals for navigation systems, and applies only to the seismic data with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
"And in general, they are (station GPS - IF) along the Northern Sea Route, the big question is why they were placed in the mid 90s on our site and what they serve," - said Deputy Prime Minister .
He added that the suspension can feel their work unless the U.S. professional military.
See the original material on http://www.interfax.ru/russia/378082
See the original material on http://www.interfax.ru/russia/378082
See the original material on http://www.interfax.ru/russia/378082
... La noticia desde www.interfax.ru
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