martes, 8 de julio de 2014

El jueves llegaron a su puerto base dos LSTs desplegados al Mediterráneo

Noticias Armada Rusa

El jueves pasado (3 de julio del 2014) llegaron a su puerto base en Severomorsk los LST de la Armada Rusa Georgiy Pobedonosets y Olenegorsk Gornyak después de cumplir su campaña que les llevó a desplegarse en Océano Atlántico, Mar de Barents, Mar de Noruega, Mar del Norte, Mar Báltico y Mar Mediterráneo (unos días en el puerto Español de Ceuta) ...

LST Olenegorsk Gornyak

LST Georgiy Pobedonosets

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Large landing ships of the Northern Fleet's main base in the back of a long voyage Today, large amphibious ships (BDK) Northern Fleet (NF) "George" and "Olenegorsky miner" and completed the long march back to their home base - Severomorsk.
The city held a grand Ships meeting, which was attended by the Commander of the Northern Fleet (NF) Admiral Vladimir Korolev. Commander congratulated the crew of amphibious ships to the successful implementation of tasks long voyage and praised the work of seamen in strategically important areas of the oceans.  
noted Admiral Vladimir Korolev, "crews large landing ships" George "and" Olenegorsky miner "showed high seamanship , teamwork and professional skills in the performance of tasks of this long voyage. "
During the campaign BDK SF operated in the Atlantic Ocean, Barents, Norwegian, Baltic, North Sea and the Mediterranean, has repeatedly made ​​calls at the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) and foreign ports. Astern ships and support vessels, returned today to the database, there were tens of thousands of miles.

... La información al completo en 

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