lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Espionaje industrial en Lourdes, Cuba


Una de las nuevas metas de la reapertura de la estación de espionaje electrónico (SIGINT) de Lourdes en Cuba es el espionaje industrial, según el analista Alexey Martinov.

Hay que recordar que unos días atrás el Presidente Ruso, Vladimir Putin, se dió un paseo por América visitando, entre otros, Cuba, donde se anunciaron acuerdos con el régimen de Castro en varios campos que incluían la vuelta de los técnicos rusos a la base de Lourdes. Probablemente hablemos del GRU ...

Martynov: radio center in Cuba should be used for business intelligence MOSCOW, July 16 - RIA Novosti. Russia could use radio interception center in Lourdes, Cuba not only for military purposes, but also for industrial intelligence, as it is one of the major players in contemporary world and must be aware of the nuances of his opponents believe polled by RIA Novosti political scientists. Earlier media reported that Russia and Cuba have agreed to return to the use of the Russian side of the Lourdes electronic near Havana, allows control during the Soviet era radio and telephone communications in much of the "potential enemy." Reasons for return Director of the International Institute of the newest states Alexey Martynov believes that Russia can use this center not only for military purposes, but also for industrial intelligence. "The whole point is not so much military purposes, it is mainly industrial exploration. Roughly speaking, if you're a big country, a serious player, is one of the poles in a multipolar world, you should probably submit to the nuances of what is happening at your opponents. Accordingly, Russia is regaining a number of functions, including a base in Lourdes, "- he explained.

... El artículo al completo en

2 comentarios:

  1. pues parece que va a ser que no...

  2. Hola

    Yo he seguido está noticia e iba a subir varias entradas relacionadas pero al final sólo subí ésta.

    Por lo que yo entendí, Putin no se refiere a que no vayan a reabrir Lourdes sino a que no van a desplegar radares estratégicos en la Isla (radares de alerta previa).

    En los medios se generaliza con la palabra "radar" y se mete todo en el mismo saco.

    Quizá lo más acertado sea decir "antenas".
