Noticias Armada Rusa
Se han llevado a cabo las pruebas de tiro real aire-aire de aviones Sujoi Su-27 de la flota del Báltico de la Armada Rusa ...
Los ejercicios consistían en unos cazas de defensa aérea Su-27 que patrullaban en busca de blancos. Los blancos los aportaban los bombarderos Sujoi Su-24 de la flota del báltico ...
Estos soltaban bombas SAB-250 que se convertían en la presa de los Sujois ...
El juego consistía en soltar las SAB-250 y que cada caza buscase y encontrase la asignada de forma visual y con el buscador óptico del avión a varios kilómetros de distancia.
Las SAB-250 son bombas para iluminar blancos y generan lúz por lo que son ideales para este tipo de pruebas.
Fighters Naval Aviation of the Baltic Fleet had a fire at air targets Crews Su-27 naval aviation of the Baltic Fleet (BF) spent training firing ranges in the marine fleet air targets simulating enemy aircraft conditional, with pendant arms as a single, and as part of a pair .
were used as targets glowing bombs SAB-250, presented in the form of garlands and put Sukhoi Su-24. Training pilots were shooting in the daytime and nighttime.
Training flights were carried out in a clearly marked area for aerial gunnery - over the sea ground BF. Prior to their implementation have taken all necessary measures to ensure the security of the local population, aircraft and surface ships. The period of firing was closed their movement. Press Service of the Western Military District
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