sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014



No me quería centrar en este asunto pero la actualidad gira entorno a el. Hablamos ayer de la escolta de aviones rusos al presidente Yanukovich ...

Yanukovych to Russia Escorted By Fighter Jets - Report MOSCOW, February 28 (RIA Novosti) - Ukrainian President Viktor Deposed Yanukovych Landed at A Military Airport in southern Russia late on Thursday escorted by fighter jets, A local news agency has Reported.
Yanukovych, Whose whereabouts have since his ouster been subject of feverish speculation, is scheduled to hold a news conference in the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don at 5 pm local time (1100 GMT) on Friday.
"The plane with the embattled president Onboard WAS escorted by several fighter jets. The boom of supersonic engines was heard for half an hour in the northwestern part of the city, where the airport is located, "local news agency DonInformBuro reported.

... Y hoy las personas que manejan el cotarro en Kiev han denunciado que se está violando el espacio aéreo ucraniano a manos de la aviación rusa ...

Kiev expresses its protest to the Russian side in connection with violation of the airspace of Ukraine See the original material on http://www.interfax.ru/361988 March 1, 2014 2:25 Kyiv. March 1. Interfax-Ukraine - Ukraine's Foreign Ministry on Friday handed over to the Russian side note, which protested the violation of the airspace of Ukraine, and disregard for the agreement on basing of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. "Separately, it was noted that Ukraine did not appeal to Russia with what any suggestions or requests about the use of military units BSF temporarily stationed on the territory of Ukraine, to maintain public order, the introduction of any other security or anti-terrorism measures, "- said the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry also confirmed their requirements about the immediate return of the military, combat and military equipment BSF in place of their dislocation.

... La noticia desde www.interfax.ru

Al parecer, han llegado a la zona de Sevastopol 5 aviones de transporte rusos, incluyendo Ilyushin Il-76...

[imagen de archivo]

... mientras se anuncia que los pilotos de la Fuerza Aérea Ucraniana han recibido ordenes de patrullar la frontera y de abrir fuego contra las aeronaves que la crucen ...

Pіloti toil mandate zastosuvati zbroya anti lіtakіv, yakі permitted without peretnut cordon of Ukraine.
Boyova couple vinischuvachіv Su-27 otrimala mandate patrulyuvati povіtryany cordon of Ukraine. About Tse povіdomili dzherela TSN. Pіloti vinischuvachіv toil mandate zastosuvati zbroya, Yakscho lіtaki permitted without peretnut cordon of Ukraine. Nagoloshuєmo scho given Information The narazі perevіryaєtsya. Read takozh: Rosіya realіzovuє abhazky stsenarіy in Ukraїnі - Turchinov Yak povіdomlyali ranіshe ZMІ in Crimi sіlo p'yat vіyskovo HAULING lіtakіv Rosії. Ochevidtsі seem scho bilja vіyskovogo aerodrom in Gvardeysku landed ІL-76.

La noticia desde  tsn.ua

Por lo que las piezas están sobre el tablero y sólo falta una chispa para que se líe gorda.

See the original material on http://www.interfax.ru/361988

2 comentarios:

  1. Ahora que el senado ruso aprobó la intervención militar tendremos mucho trabajo para supervisar todos estos acontecimientos...

  2. Hola

    A ver quién recula, como se suele decir.

    Si se van sumando leños a la hoguera el resultado será nefasto.

    Lo que puede ocurrir es que un bando viole las leyes democráticas que supuestamente ellos mismo impusieron sin esperar que el otro bando reaccione.

    Es de cajón.
