miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

La Federación Rusa puede abandonar el tratado INF

Federación Rusa

Si EEUU sigue adelante con su iniciativa de Defensa contra misiles balísticos en Europa la Federación Rusa puede abandonar el tratado de Fuerzas nucleares de alcance intermedio, más conocido como Tratado INF...

... esto traería como consecuencia una escalada militar en Europa con la entrada en escena de nuevos sistemas más acordes con las necesidades rusas en este y otros teatros de operaciones, como el asiático.

SS-20 en arquetipo de sistema que engloba el INF

Russia could use right out of the START Treaty
Moscow. February 1. INTERFAX.RU - Russia may be forced to withdraw from the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms (START), if the U.S. continues to develop its missile defense system, said the director of the Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry's security and disarmament Mikhail Ulyanov.
"We are concerned that the U.S. would continue to build the capacity of defense, excluding interests and concerns of Russia. Such a policy could undermine strategic stability and can lead to a situation where Russia will be forced to use the right of withdrawal from the contract, "- he said in an interview to" Interfax. "
However, the diplomat stressed that now Moscow in full compliance with its obligations under the current START Treaty.
M. Ulyanov recalled that the possibility of withdrawing from the START Treaty is directly provided by the document, if one of the parties decides that related to the content of the Treaty exceptional circumstances have jeopardized its supreme interests.

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