jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

El Pedro el grande (Petr Velikiy en ruso) llegó ayer a Chipre

Noticias Armada Rusa

El crucero nuclear de batalla Pedro el grande (Petr Velikiy en ruso) llegó ayer al puerto de Limassol en Chipre donde llevará a cabo una visita de rutina a uno de los puertos amigos de la región ...

... el buque se encuentra en la zona encabezando la agrupación naval de la Armada Rusa y llevando a cabo tareas de escolta para la misión de destrucción del arsenal químico sirio formando parte del contingente internacional en compañía de China, Noruega y Dinamarca, como protección de los convoys navales.

02/12/2014 (20:01) Heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Pyotr Veliky" docked at the port of Limassol Cyprus
Today heavy nuclear missile cruiser (TARKR) Northern Fleet "Peter the Great", the head of operative connection of the Navy of Russia in the Mediterranean, has made business docked at the port of Limassol (Cyprus). 
Visiting Russian sailors in the port of Limassol was the second time for the tasks long voyage. The crew of the cruiser will have the opportunity to rest, restock. Earlier this week Severomorsk participated in securing the third stage of the transportation of Syrian chemical weapons in cooperation with the Chinese, Danish and Norwegian seamen. Actions ships involved in the operation, coordinated international headquarters stationed aboard TARKR "Peter the Great." Far campaign heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great" began October 22, 2013 with the release of the main base of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk. November 10 is located on the cruiser operational command headquarters compound acting in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis, which includes ships of the Northern, Black Sea, Baltic and Pacific fleets. During the long cruise cruiser overcame already about 19,000 nautical miles. Press Service of the Western Military District

2 comentarios:

  1. se ve que este barquito es muy grande ,debe ser de los ultimos cruceros de batalla de las armadas del mundo.
    y todavia operativo al 100%

  2. Hola

    Y será modernizado a medio plazo con lo que pasará a ser aún más poderoso.
